Live 1 on 1 and 2 on 1 taboo phone sex
Live 1 on 1 and 2 on 1 taboo phone sex


Lynette Harris

Tantalizing Mature Milf

I know You are thinking what a MILF. I may look reserved, believe You Me, I am not. I am that Mom You would like to Fuck. You fantasize about it each time You come over to pick my Son up for School. I know that brain of Yours is working a hundred miles a hour. So after all Your thoughts You decide to take a ride back during school lying and saying You have a Doctors appointment. I will be Your remedy. I bet You would of never imagined to Yourself Ms. Lynette would want nothing to do with You I am hungry and crave Cock, Younger or older doesn't matter as long as it is rock hard and ready to please. Don't be a afraid no one will know but You! You will soon know what all the hype is being with a mature older woman a Milf . Well don't leave me waiting Come find out for Yourself. I am true experienced older woman, I love to hunt down my preys, for the ultimate conquer. I Love young boys, learning to learn from the best. I am extremely flirtatious. And really I am just horny all the time I crave sex, and more sex.

Turns On's

I love a young boy eager to learn , and excepts guidance from a mature milf, one that has lots of experience, with the opposite sex. Rudeness is a side of weakness to me, and is simply not tolerated. A sense of humor, thoughtfulness, caring, creative. Confidence

Turn Offs

I don't really have many, The one thing that turns me off more then anything would be arrogance.

So after all Your thoughts You decide to take a ride back during school lying and saying You have a Dr's appt. I will be Your remedy. I bet You would of never imagined to Yourself Ms. Lynette would want nothing to do with You I am hungry and crave Cock, Younger or older doesn't matter as long as it is rock hard and ready to please. Don't be a afraid no one will know but You what all the talk is about when You here those words MILF. We don't leave me waiting Come find out for Yourself.

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GFE -- Threesome -- Golden Showers

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